Our thoughts slip like mist before we can hold them tight,

In the quiet of the mind where clear light once shone bright.

A fog rolls in, thick, casting shadows on the ground,

Blinding us with its weight, leaving us lost and unbound.

Grasping at straws, we search for the path in the haze,

As unseen forces clash with our mind’s steady gaze.


Under this tension, we act too fast, fueled by heat,

Impulsive hearts racing, stubbornness in our feet.

Yet amidst this storm, innovation begins to rise,

A flicker of hope dancing in cloud-covered skies.

The whirlwind, though wild, bears something bright and new,

A spark of wisdom, glowing in passion’s hue.


Emotions swell like tides beneath a restless moon,

Pushing us to places where logic fades too soon.

In the heart’s blind sight, where the mind cannot go,

We make choices unthought, born from feeling’s glow.

To know ourselves seems an impossible dream,

Lost in shifting stars, caught in confusion’s gleam.


Mist lingers at dawn, making solid things unclear,

Even our deepest truths tremble with fragile fear.

But perhaps the fog is meant to test, not deceive,

A challenge to trust, even when we cannot perceive.

We move through uncertainty, blind to what’s ahead,

Yet guided by faith in paths not yet tread.


Though a veil lies between us and the world we know,

The ship we sail will find its way through this undertow.

The mind, once clouded, will see the light anew,

And the truths we seek will once again feel true.

We must trust in the journey, through mist and shadowed way,

That even in confusion, we’re not truly led astray.


For sometimes it’s not knowing but trusting in the flight,

The fog will lift, revealing the morning’s bright light.

This passage through the haze leads us deeper within,

To a clearer, brighter truth, where clarity begins.

We emerge from the mist, not as lost as before,

But grounded in self, with wisdom to explore.